• Home Training vs Gym Training

    If you want to build up your muscles, there are two main options available to you when it comes to your training location. The first option is to join a gym and use their equipment. The second option is to purchase your own equipment and train at home. In this article I’m going to be looking at

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    Building muscle is a fairly standard process. You decide how many sets, reps and exercises you’re going to do, bring all this information together in a workout and then follow it through. However, if you want to get the best possible results when it comes to building up your muscles, there are a

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    If you take the right approach, building muscle is a simple and foolproof process. However, even the smallest mistakes can stunt your muscle building progress. In this article I’m going to be listing 10 of the most common muscle building mistakes and helping you avoid them. 1) Failing To Focus

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    Going To Failure

    Before mentioning any techniques to go beyond failure, it's important to define how to properly tax a muscle to get to what is termed momentary muscular failure. If you don't reach that point, there is no sense in bringing in any additional techniques. A distinction needs to be made between how a

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    6 Weightlifting Tips For Getting Big

    1) Consuming a large amount of calories is a must if you want to pack on muscle mass for a larger, stronger, more powerful frame. However, food alone won't get you to the promised land. To achieve this sought-after balance of muscular harmony, you need to build quality muscle mass through a

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    Barbells, Dumbbells & Machines Explained

    If you’re just getting started on your muscle building journey, setting foot in the gym for the first time can be very confusing. There are so many different types of equipment to choose from and learning about the merits of each one can be daunting. That’s why in this article I’ve decided to

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